Product Listing

Product Listing

Welcome to

A manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor after opening an account on they can promote their product on this webpage. Here are the following rules:

Ø  After activating Seller Account please “Switch to Buyer Options” located in the right side on your screen.

Ø  Then click the “Seller Activity” and you will get some different options.

Ø  Please select “Add Product” and a home page will be displayed which contains all kinds of information about your product.

Ø  At the top of this page you will find all the parameters for the promotion of your product which are product variations, product pricing and product preview etc.

Ø  At below there is a chart also that contains some other parameters please follow the instructions and fill all the information such as Product title, product material, product origin etc. and must fill the (*) marked option. 

Ø  After putting all of this information please click “Save and go to next” and follow other instructions.

Ø  Congratulations! Your Product Listing is completed.